Welcome Newcomers
We are grateful that you are visiting our website and considering a visit to our Spiritual Center.
Many first time visitors say that a visit to our Spiritual Center “feels like a homecoming.” People are often relieved to find a community of open-minded people who celebrate Spirit in a loving and life-affirming manner.
Here are some initial details about your first visit that you may find helpful:
- Sunday services are at 10 am in our main sanctuary. Services last a little over an hour.
- Dress is casual.
- There is street parking only, so you may need to walk a few blocks. Wear comfortable shoes.
Once you arrive here are some things you might expect:
- You will be greeted warmly and given a program. We welcome everyone and we won’t try and “convert” you.
- We will offer you a small heart pin made by women in India. We ask newcomers to wear a pin if they would like to be approached by others in our congregation.
- Feel free to sit in the sanctuary wherever you feel most comfortable.
- Participate or observe – whatever feels right to you.
- We serve light refreshments for everyone after the service in our Social Hall.
- We will give you an information packet and a free CD to take home with you if you would like one.
- We have Prayer Practitioners who would be honored to pray with you after the service should you desire prayer. Just come to the front of the sanctuary and one of them will approach you.
Down the line, if our Center feels like a good fit for you and you’d like to join, here is some information about membership:
- There is no pressure to join. Members and non-members are equally welcome at our Spiritual Center.
- We have observed that commitment often enhances transformation, so membership – that is making a commitment – might be helpful for you.
- Those who wish to become members of the Center take a class so that they may become informed members. We offer this class once or twice a year.
- We encourage our members to help support our Center with their service, talents, and financial gifts as they feel moved to do so. Every gesture of support matters and helps us carry out our transformative work.
If you have any questions now or in the future, please feel free to contact our Spiritual Center. We look forward to meeting you on the Spiritual Path.

Photo by Jennifer Luce