Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees is made up of a group of committed members who care for the business needs of our Spiritual Center. To reach out to the Board please email them at

Rev. Bonnie Rose

Rev. Bonnie Rose

Sr. Minister, CEO, Chief Ecclesiastical Officer

Lonnie Cassidy, RScP

Lonnie Cassidy, RScP


Jim Eckley, RScP

Jim Eckley, RScP

Vice President, Building/Facilities

Kathy Walker, RScP

Kathy Walker, RScP


Gayle Matthews, RScP

Gayle Matthews, RScP

Secretary/Outreach Liaison

Brian Ehler

Brian Ehler

Tech/Video/Livestream Team

Bernie Austin, RScP

Bernie Austin, RScP

Volunteer Coordinator

Rev. Karen Mondragon

Rev. Karen Mondragon

Board Practitioner

Consciousness, Not Conditions  - by Alan Cohen, found in 5 Gifts for an Abundant Life, by Diane Harmony

 One of the questions I am most frequently asked is, “How do I know if something I am praying for is in my best interests?  What if I am imposing my will over God’s will?  How can I tell if my request is being inspired by love or driven by my ego?”

 A rule of thumb that I suggest is to assume that your inspirations are coming from right intuition, and act with authority.  Once in a while you will find that you have made a mistake, but in the long run you will be way ahead of where you would be if you assume that your intuitions are guided by ego and do nothing. 

The real answer to the question is to understand that what you are seeking is not really conditions, but consciousness.  You may be praying for a new BMW, but what you really want is to know that you are an abundant being living in a wealthy universe.  You may be seeking a soulmate, but behind your search is the quest to know that you are lovable and cherishable.  You may want to have a number-one hit on the pop charts, but behind that desire is the wish to feel acknowledged and important.  You can get the conditions, but if you do not have the consciousness, you will be ever seeking and striving for more conditions.  If you have the consciousness, however, the conditions will usually manifest automatically, and even if they do not, you will be secure in your wholeness. 

 If you aren’t sure if what you are praying for is correct, complete your prayer with “this or better.”  Tell God (remind yourself) that you are doing the best you can with what you know, and if there is something more wonderful available, you are willing to give up your current idea for the bigger picture.  Remember, God’s will for you is perfect happiness.  

