Midweek Drop-ins
Third Wednesday – 6:30 to 8 pm
Science and Spirituality Discussion Group
Featured Book: You are the Placebo, by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Hosted by Mari Lyon, RScP and Pete Wearing
Can we heal by thought alone? This is a core tenant of our Science of Mind teaching.
Dr. Joe Dispenza dives into the science behind the placebo effect which is standard science when measuring the effectiveness of medicines and some therapies. He also gives us a road map for using this knowledge in changing our subconscious mind to a new belief and thus activating the neurological process that creates healing. Yes you can heal by thought alone.
Each monthly session will include a meditation provided by Dr. Joe to rebuild our neuro-networks to one of health.
Join us 3rd Wednesday of the month and learn now!

Wednesday drop-ins is being recalculated. If you have any suggestions, please email Rev. Jennifer at jennifergh@venturacsl.org