Sunday Teams
Mary O. Kerrigan, RScP, Ministry Leader
Our Hearts in Harmony Choir is a close-knit community dedicated to providing music at our Spiritual Center. The choir provides uplifting choral music once a month for Sunday services. They also sing for holiday services and special events.
The choir is open to everyone who wants to join in the fun. Volunteers get to share their love of singing with others in spiritually meaningful ways. They cultivate respect and gratitude for everyone’s contribution as they develop a sense of accomplishment while serving. They share beauty and inspiration in the universal, transformative language of music.
Welcome (Love) Team
Steve Jones, Ministry Leader
The Welcome Team, otherwise known as the Love Team, serves by providing the first point of contact at the door on Sundays. They offer smiles, hugs, and welcoming words to invite all to share in the love of our Spiritual Center.
They assist after the service by offering support to congregants and tidying the sanctuary.
The Welcome Team affirms that giving and sharing love is the highest form of receiving love. They offer this devotional practice as a model for blessing all beings.
Ambassador Team
Kim Bryson, RScP, Ministry Leader
The idea for the Ambassador group was formulated in late 2019, to offer a caring and personal outreach to both long-term and newer members as well as casual drop in’s – who attend our Sunday services. The Ambassadors continue to consider how to make every attendee feel warmly welcomed and included in our VCSL community – at whatever level of engagement each participant is seeking and feels comfortable with. They are identifiable not only by the glow of welcoming acceptance but also by lovely teal stoles. Don’t be surprised if they offer you a nametag on Sunday!
Team Prasad
Prasad is Holy Food given in Love. The coffee hour after church is a time to grow in the gifts of sacred service and community. VCSL will provide the basics. We’re asking volunteers to serve by bringing additional goodies. In the spirit of fun, ease, and connection please sign up to bring baked goods (homemade or packaged), cheese, crackers, chips, healthy food, fruit and veggies, or other – all Prasad is welcome!
Creative Light Bookstore
Kathy Walker, RScP
Our Creative Light Bookstore offers books featured in talks, books written by guest speakers, books used for our Spiritual Center’s classes, and books that support our philosophy. The bookstore supports the expansion of knowledge and continuous inspiration as we all continue to grow in this infinite pathway called life.
The bookstore is also a hub of activity where people gather to peruse, talk, and just be together. Our volunteers and “customers” are excited about spreading the word of our teaching for we believe that our philosophy brings goodness to the world.
Sacred Readings
Hugh A. Rose, Reader
We offer wisdom words from all traditions of all ages, to help the congregation focus on a theme that supports the Sunday message. Our reader, Hugh A. Rose, has an extensive background in Broadway and regional theatre. He brings his passion for the spoken spiritual word to our services.
Our House Pianist – Chris Kimbler
Chris Kimbler on piano supports a wide array of talented musicians. Our music is magnificent.
Tech Team
Brian Ehler, Tech Leader
Jennifer Gadberry-Hadrys, Live Stream
Kenny Hobbs, Audio
Edward K. Lynch, Video
This team creates audio . video, and livestream recordings of the service every Sunday. The videos are posted on our YouTube Channel and appear on a local Cable Station. We post an audio copy of the Spiritual Message on our website.
We are eager to share our teaching with everyone, as it helps the world become a kinder place.