Youth and Family

 Filling Your Emotional Bucket

Dear Youth and Families,

     Have You Filled Your Bucket Today? Carol McCloud has created this delightful guide to daily happiness for kids and the “kid” in each of us.  A brain research expert in the 90’s had stated that it is helpful to think of each person as being born with an invisible bucket  This bucket represents a person’s mental and emotional health(spiritual as well).  Giving love is filling buckets.  We can also fill our own buckets. In addition to being loved, children can learn to love others.  Those children who are taught to express kindness lead happier lives.  When we care about others and show that love by what we say and do, we feel good and fill our bucket as well as theirs.  On Sunday, we’ll share a story about filling buckets. After our message, we will be creating our own buckets.   What joy there is in waking up each day to focus on filling the buckets of others and ourselves.  Thank you to all for keeping the buckets of the Youth and Family Team filled to the brim.  We are truly blessed.
Love and Light,
Suzy and Y & F Team


The Youth Program is open to all pre-school to high school ages and will feature a new curriculum developed by Suzy Thatcher, an educator with 33 years of classroom experience, and Bill Hadrys, RScP, who brings 15 years in Scouting leadership to the revitalized Sunday morning teachings. Suzy’s extensive educational background brings a passion for the arts and in combination with Bill’s love of nature and scouting; they are working together to create a supportive environment for our children so that the attributes of kindness and gratitude can emerge.

The children often get a chance to interact with our kindness ambassadors, Waldo and Emma (the bunnies!).  Kindness in caring for animals is an unconditional commitment and this empathy toward animals extends into other relationships.